It is just that the bloggers have found new toys!

Annual June renovation job: the South African room is having a face lift. Like the others it will very soon have a kitchenette, bigger terrasse and a livingroom/sleeping area for children.
Add to these activities the translation of the blog into French, to be launched very soon.
Then 1st half of July is holiday time! Maybe for the last time as this year, the Sde Boker Tourism Council is launching the first edition of the Cool Negev Nights. Plenty of subsidised activities and attractions from 4 pm and till 10 am during all the weekends of July. Our guests are going to be able to experience the cooleness of the desert from the late afternoon to mid-mornings. Shuttles to Ein Akev during the day. And every Saturday in July, free entrance to the communal pool for our guests!

With the impending success of the Cool Desert Nights, next year, we won’t need to find some new walls to break in order to keep ourselves busy. As our best kept secret will habe been discovered!
Author: Marion Krivine
French owner of Krivine Guesthouse in Midreshet Ben Gurion, together with my British husband John. A little piece of european greenery in the heart of the Negev Highlands, Israel. I have set out on this journey in order to provide our guests with the most accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive guide of the area. View all posts by Marion Krivine